Im very, very sorry to disturb you, but I really need some help. The thing is, i've stucked in your internets! I have hanging around about three months already, and i can't find the exit! It's funny, it is, but I had walked cross all the popular internet sites, and some not so popular, and this is no fucking exit nowhere. Please, please, help me to exit from here, it's so bloody sad here, i've never wanted to be here at all!
Thanx a lot.
I can't! I'm hungry and свалко and... It's real horror movie, it is. And your svalko, instead of help, ban me and force to answer some stupid questions, such as "What is the word, never been on", just to prove that i'm not pornospamrobo. It's fucking circus! How the fuck can i know this? I readed all the posts, and founded out, that this is "таджикистан" word. Did it make sense for you? No? For me - neither. Why Вассерман? Why no fucking one else word, i ask you?
Дак чо, китанай вышел наконец из тырнетов и избавился от мерсково англосаксонсково акцента? И странно, што промт не перевел слово свалко. Исполнены мистикой эти кусты ящитаю